Thursday 2 July 2009

Screenshots of Navision Developer Toolkit


Object Comparison between different versions

Code Comparison between different versions

How to starting using Navision Developer Toolkit

I am writting this new users who never used Developer toolkit or used it but unable to configure it.

After downloading Too
Navision Dynamics Toolkit requires a separate database. This database is used to stored different versions of objects in your database.

In order to setup a database, a developer database needs to be created first.

To create a developer database, you will need to run Dynamics Navision 2009 Classic Client with SQL.

So open classic client, and create a new database. Login and Click on File > Database > New

Then give it a name something like DevTK or anything you prefer and set up other preferences as per your choice and then press OK.

This will create a new Empty database in Sql Server. Now open the database and click on File > Company > New to enter a company name. This is useful to separate the company based objects.

Lets give it a name like Dev and then Open the company. It will be an empty company now.

Now you have to import Developer toolkit objects in this database.

To do so, goto Tools > Object Designer and then File > Import

c:\program files\microsoft dynamics nav\developers toolkit\DevTool.fob

This will import the objects in developer toolkit database and now its ready for use in Develoepr toolkit.

Now you have to start Developer's Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

In open database window (login form) you have to give path to C/Front
(c:\program files\microsoft dynamics nav\developers toolkit\) and give it server name, database name (toolkit database) and click ok
Now a list of developer companies should appear. select the developer database here. Select the company here.

Once you have logged in Developer toolkit, now you have to import in data objects from related company.

Click on File > Import
A Import version card will appear.
In General Tab, give it a code, I usually use companyname+date to keep the versions separate.

In import tab, select Import from Microsoft Dynamics nav client. Here you can also choose new / or only different objects and then you can select base version code.

Base version code compares the different objects between base version and current set of objects.

Update option is only for "Only different objects". so it depends how you want to go ahead with these options.

In filters, you select the object types / modified etc to reduce the size of objects to be imported. I usually just import the modified object in a database. You can choose filters as per your requirement.

Now click on Import. This will give you a list of companies running on clients. Lets say if your live is not running on your local dynamics classic client, it will not appear here. you need to run the client with a company on your system (where dev tk is running) to take a snapshot of objects.

Select the company you want to. and it will import in the objects.
In TK, you can do the following
- Take different snapshot of your objects
- Import objects from different database into 1 dev db
- Export objects to different dynamic databases
- import objects from files / fob objects
- export objects to files / fob objects
- compare codes in different versions
- Update objects from one database to another (e.g; from test to live )
- can view the changes / browse objects
- Merge objects using wizard

I am not an expert on Toolkit yet but I faced some difficulties in finding related information on
developer tool kit. So I thought it will be useful for new users to have a quick jumpstart guide.
Please feel free to leave your comments.
Thank you.